Monday, May 21, 2007

Has MLK's "dream" been realized? - Income

Ever since the Civil Rights movement, minority groups including African Americans have made a little progress in income. Since 1980 the average for blacks has risen more than for whites. They are becoming closer together. While the income difference between white and black males is still fairly large, between white and black females, the gap is slowly becoming nearly nonexistent. Asians, however are much better off, as they make on average make more than the average white.

Much of that is simply being optomistic as minority groups (except for Asians) still have much lower standards. Blacks are making on average $16,000 less than the average white. Hispanics too, as the discrepancy for them is $13,000. Poverty is a huge issue for minority groups. The poverty level for 2004 was $18,850 for a family of four. Over 20% of blacks and more than 15% of hispanics fit into that group. Minorites are below the average white in nearly every enconomic category.

To improve the conditions of minorities in society, we must educate them. A better education well go a long way especially if one goes to college. This would imensely improve the chances of getting a good job. It is also necessariy to improve minorities living conditions. The majority live inside cities. Inner cities are filled with crime and drug use which hurts minorities chances.

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