Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day Readings and note to veterans

To all the veterans that served to protect our country:
Thank you for all that you have done for our country. You have stood face to face with death and survived while you watched your friends die. You felt fear no one else has. Other people try to help you, but they don't understand. No understands but the ones who were there. Thank you.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Times of Change - Last three readings

What do these two poems and the article say about the impact of the war on the native Vietnamese? Can you think of any other ways in which the war will impact the native Vietnamese?
The natives were treated very poorly and even beaten even though they didn't do anything. There were many innocent people that were killed. The had no reason to be. It was murder. The would even protest by killing themselves.
The war must've been very difficult for the natives. Some watched their family be heartlessly murdered. It probably was a horrific event that changed their lives.

Times Of Change - Next two readings

Jack Smith

What challenges does Jack Smith face as a soldier in Vietnam? (a bulleted list is fine)
- everyone was new
- couldn't find the Viet-Cong
- nobody was truly trained for combat

How does Smith’s attitude toward war change?
He didn't like war and all the killing. He wanted it too stop, and he even asked other soldiers to not kill the Vietnamese.

I Feel Like I'm Fixing to Die Rag

This song by Country Joe and the Fish became one of the first protest songs of the Vietnam Era. Read the lyrics to the song, and then respond to the following:

What is the song asking the “big strong men to do”?
To get Uncle Same (the US) out of a jam.
… the “generals” to do?
To go kill the communists (Reds)
… “Wall Street” to do?
To make money to fund the soldiers.
… “mothers” to do?
To send their children to Vietnam.
Write down four specific lines from the song that display sarcasm, cynicism, or anti-war sentiment.
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun.
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.
To have your boy come home in a box.
...peace can only be won When we've blown 'em all to kingdom come.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Times Of Change - First 3 Readings

A Dubious Crusade
Look up both words in the title of the short essay. What do they mean?
Dubious - doubtful
Crusade - A aggressive movemnet for the defence or advancement of an idea.
Relate the title to the reading. What is Warren saying?
The war didn't really win anything and at the beginning it wasn't likely to win anything.
How do you think this will relate to the rest of our study if Vietnam?
We'll discuss if we really should have gotten involved in the Vietnam War.

What is the overall theme of Vuong-Riddick's poem?
Vietnam has been under many different rulers and its beena source of a lot of bloodshed.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
What is the main thesis of the essay?
There was no reason for the US to get involved in the war - it was all a lie.
What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
It was a vote in the House and the Senate to defend American ships near Vietnam.
What evidence does the author give to support his thesis?
He says that the president was lying because he wasn't under oath.
How does this link to the theme of the first reading, “A Dubious Crusade"?
The reason to get involved in the war was doubtful. It wasn't a good reason.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Has MLK's "dream" been realized? - Income

Ever since the Civil Rights movement, minority groups including African Americans have made a little progress in income. Since 1980 the average for blacks has risen more than for whites. They are becoming closer together. While the income difference between white and black males is still fairly large, between white and black females, the gap is slowly becoming nearly nonexistent. Asians, however are much better off, as they make on average make more than the average white.

Much of that is simply being optomistic as minority groups (except for Asians) still have much lower standards. Blacks are making on average $16,000 less than the average white. Hispanics too, as the discrepancy for them is $13,000. Poverty is a huge issue for minority groups. The poverty level for 2004 was $18,850 for a family of four. Over 20% of blacks and more than 15% of hispanics fit into that group. Minorites are below the average white in nearly every enconomic category.

To improve the conditions of minorities in society, we must educate them. A better education well go a long way especially if one goes to college. This would imensely improve the chances of getting a good job. It is also necessariy to improve minorities living conditions. The majority live inside cities. Inner cities are filled with crime and drug use which hurts minorities chances.

Martin Luther King

Why does the author feel that whites owe King the greatest debt?
Our country takes pride in being a free country with free people. Had Martin Luther King not come, we would still be under, as the author calls it, "...the burden of America's centuries-old hypocrisy about race." It would have been impossible for the US to be as succesful as it is if we could not take pride in the very thing that we our country was created for.
Was King "the right man at the right time"?
Yes. Thousands of other black men had fought for equal rights or an end to slavery, like Federick Douglass, but the society at the time was not ready for that kind of reform. When Martin Luther King came, some people had begun to realize that segregation was wrong, and some people had already begun to try to get that changed. Martin Luther King had gifts that helped him achieve his goal, but had he come some 50 years earlier, it wouldn't have been possible.
Would King be upset with the current use of his most often quoted line? Why or why not?
He probably would. The line has been twisted and tangled to fit so many different situations that people have forgotten its true meaning.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

10 things EVERYONE should know about the Korean War

1. Prior to the Korean War, Korea had been divided into two sections, divided by the 38th parallel. The Soviet Union was given control of the northern half, while the US was given control over the southern half.

2. On July 15th, 1950, the Soviet Union drove tanks over the 38th parallel and began to invade South Korea, effectively beginning the Korean War.

3. General MacArthur was given control over all United Nations forces in South Korea.

4. Within two days of taking over the UN forces, MacArthur changed the entire course of the war.

5. China had threatened the US to becom involved in the war, but the US ignored their warning and contiued their attack towards the Yula River.

6. China held to its word, and pushed the UN forces all the way back, and past the 38th parallel.

7.General MacArthur wished to blockade China and use as many as 50 atomic bombs against them.

8. Due to MacArthur's radical wishes, President Truman relieved him of his post and took over the forces.

9. The war became very unpopular and became the topic of debate for the 1952 presidential election. Dwight Eisenhower, promising to quickly end the war in Korea, won by a landslide.

10. Even though both sides held huge offensives, the war eventually ended in a stalemate. Both sides gained and lost a small amount of land. The armistice line was relatively close to the 38th parallel.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Would you have been able to use civil disobedience and non-violence?

I don't think I could withstand all the punishments. Many of the white opposers would probably try to discourage me by spitting or taunting me. I don't think I could handle. I'm not patient enough. I also couldn't do it considering that I might have to pay the ultimate price - my life. If my life was threatened I couldn't not fight back, thus destroying my cause.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Unit 8 - What am I looking foward to?

I'm looking foward to using the computers instead of using pen and paper. I'm also looking foward to learning about the space race because that was part of Dror, David and my History Day project. This unit is also more recent and I'll know a bit more about it than other units.