Wednesday, May 16, 2007

10 things EVERYONE should know about the Korean War

1. Prior to the Korean War, Korea had been divided into two sections, divided by the 38th parallel. The Soviet Union was given control of the northern half, while the US was given control over the southern half.

2. On July 15th, 1950, the Soviet Union drove tanks over the 38th parallel and began to invade South Korea, effectively beginning the Korean War.

3. General MacArthur was given control over all United Nations forces in South Korea.

4. Within two days of taking over the UN forces, MacArthur changed the entire course of the war.

5. China had threatened the US to becom involved in the war, but the US ignored their warning and contiued their attack towards the Yula River.

6. China held to its word, and pushed the UN forces all the way back, and past the 38th parallel.

7.General MacArthur wished to blockade China and use as many as 50 atomic bombs against them.

8. Due to MacArthur's radical wishes, President Truman relieved him of his post and took over the forces.

9. The war became very unpopular and became the topic of debate for the 1952 presidential election. Dwight Eisenhower, promising to quickly end the war in Korea, won by a landslide.

10. Even though both sides held huge offensives, the war eventually ended in a stalemate. Both sides gained and lost a small amount of land. The armistice line was relatively close to the 38th parallel.